Beautiful Girl

Always smiling and laughing, then and now.

When I had my son, and for the next almost two years, I thought nothing could compare with the experience of being a mother to that sweet little boy. Until I saw my daughter’s platinum blond hair, hooded hazel eyes and tiny button nose for the first time. The song playing in the hospital suite when she was born couldn’t have been more perfect: “Beautiful Girl” by INXS.

Before I had you, my beautiful girl, I thought I could never love another baby as much as your brother. You proved me wrong. Here are some of the countless reasons I love you:

  1. One of my favorite early memories of you was the first time you let out that sweet, infectious belly laugh of yours. Don’t ever stop laughing like that. It’s priceless.
  2. You may only be 11 years old, but you are one of the most fearless people I know. When you were a toddler, we called you “Danger Girl” and for good reason: Your chart at the doctor’s office was three times as thick as your brother’s. As your mom, I sometimes worry about your risk-taking nature, but I’m in awe of it as well. I hope you will always take chances.
  3. You are a loyal, loving friend. It gives me so much joy to see how many of your peers adore you and treasure your company. You seem to intrinsically know how to make and maintain friendships, and that is something your far less social mom really admires about you.
  4. You don’t gossip or speak ill of others. I have never heard you say a bad word about anyone (well, except your brother, and you said it to his face). You remind me so much of my grandmother in that way, and my dad. Don’t let anyone change that about you.
  5. You have so much self-confidence. It astounds me how you just jump into things without hesitating. If you have any self-doubt whatsoever, you never let it show. I want to bottle your confidence and save it for later in your life. My hope is that you won’t need it.
  6. You are self-sufficient and independent. I don’t know if it’s because I was working part-time from home when you came along, but you have always been able to take care of yourself and find ways to stay busy. I think that’s at least part of why you are such a happy, well-adjusted person.
  7. You are creative and talented. From the time you were a toddler, you were always making things. It used to be finger paints and Play-Doh; now it’s cupcake baking and duct tape art. I hope you will explore and expand your creative side throughout your life.
  8. You are a great conversationalist. You definitely, and thankfully, take after your father in this department. You know how to talk to people, and you truly listen when others are speaking.
  9.  You don’t worry about what other people think. You are my little spitfire, full of fun and goofiness. You know how to have a good time and you always do. Life is way too short to worry about looking silly. I hope you never will.
  10. Your capacity to love is endless. You welcome and enjoy everyone you meet, and I couldn’t be more proud of your huge heart. Never stop letting love in, sweet girl. It’s what makes life worth living.

Today is the last day of NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). It was my first time participating, and blogging daily for 30 days was a pretty crazy experience. But I did it, darn it! And there’s the badge below to prove it. Cheers to all my fellow NaBloPoMo-ers! 

8 thoughts on “Beautiful Girl

  1. Congrats on nailing it! I’ve always loved your writing and I loved getting to read much more of it this month! You daughter sounds like a very exceptional girl.Mine is 9 (and came 2 years after her brother as well) and it sounds like they shares some similiar interests.

  2. So awesome that you posted such sweet tributes to your kids on the last two days of NaBloPoMo! Whew, that was quite the ride, wasn’t it?!! I’m impressed that you even snuck in a crowd favorite!

    • Thanks, Stacie! I am so excited to get back to writing when I want instead of because I have to. That pressure to produce was a little overwhelming, wasn’t it?

    • Thanks, Jennifer. She was thrilled to read it, which made me really glad I wrote it. I also wanted to reinforce the things I love about her because during our crazy, whirlwind days, I feel like all she hears is me nagging about chores: clean your room, take out the dog, do your homework, etc. Everyone can use a reminder of why he or she is special, right?

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