My in-laws will be arriving in a few hours and will be staying with us for several days. So am I: (a) scurrying around the house frantically trying to make it picture perfect, b) begging my husband to check them into a hotel or c) mixing up my second batch of martinis? The answer is … drumroll, please … d) none of the above.
You see, I absolutely adore my mother-in-law. Get those shocked looks off your faces, ladies, and I’ll tell you why. It’s because she loves me without judging me — or at least if she is judging me, she’s awfully quiet about it. Here are some examples:
- When my husband and I decided to move in together six weeks after we met, she accepted it and welcomed me into her family.
- When we announced two years later that we were running off to Vegas to get married, she and and the whole family joined us for the adventure.
- When I chose to breastfeed our kids, she supported me — even though I was definitely in the minority on that decision 13 years ago. (That’s another blog post.)
- When my 3-year-old daughter fell out of a shopping cart and split her lip wide-open, my MIL consoled me instead of making me feel like the bad mother I was convinced I was.
I could go on and on here, but I think you get the point. When I hear some of my friends’ MIL horror stories, I thank my lucky stars. And with Mother’s Day fast approaching — my first without my own mom(s) — I am really looking forward to spending some time with her. Did I mention that she’s a hell of a lot of fun too? Maybe I’ll mix up that batch of martinis after all.
So what’s your MIL like? I’d love to hear your stories.